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Home > Literature List > Mogroside IIIE attenuates gestational diabetes mellitus through activating of AMPK signaling pathway in mice

Mogroside IIIE attenuates gestational diabetes mellitus through activating of AMPK signaling pathway in mice

Journal name:Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
Literature No.:
Literature Url: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1347861318301798/1-s2.0-S1347861318301798-main.pdf?_tid=574ccac8-c46f-4c68-ac22-d672618808e3&acdnat=1539224462_341e52786c3aa06ad393818454236dca
Date publication:5 October 2018
As one kind of complications of pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) can influence the health of maternal-child in clinical practice. The C57 BL/KsJdb/t(db/t) mice, genetic GDM model, and C57 BL/KsJt/t (wild-type) mice were purchased and classified into three groups: normal pregnancy (C57 BL/KsJt/t), GDM (C57 BL/KsJdb/t), and GDM plus Mogroside IIIE (20.0 mg/kg) group. GDM symptoms (maternal body weight, serum glucose, and insulin levels), glucose and insulin tolerance, and reproductive outcome (body weight at birth and litter size of offspring) were investigated. The inflammatory factors such as IL-1b, IL-6, and TNF-a in the serum and the pancreas were detected by ELISA and qRT-PCR, while the expression of pAMPK, AMPK, pHDAC4, HDAC4, and G6Pase in the livers were analyzed by Western Blot. Mogroside IIIE greatly improved glucose metabolism, insulin tolerance, and reproductive outcome of the GDM mice. Moreover, Mogroside IIIE treatment significantly decreased inflammatory factors expression and relieved GDM symptoms through enhanced AMPK activation, inhibited HDAC4 expression, and reduced production of G6Pase. The alleviation of GDM by Mogroside IIIE was mediated by elevated AMPK activation, which in turn inhibited HDAC4 phosphorylation, and eventually down-regulated G6Pase expression and activity. ? 2018 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Japanese Pharmacological Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

… body weight at birth through the AMPK pathway. Methods & materials Chemicals
Mogroside IIIE (purity above 99%) was purchased from Chengdu Biopurify
Phytochemical Ltd. (Chengdu, China). Animals and study design Six … 
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