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Oligoses(Oligosaccharides) are widely used as chromatographic standards for HPLC/HPAEC-PAD analysis or as defined substrates in enzyme characterisation studies. Borohydride reduced oligosaccharides are also available in certain classes for the specific purpose of successfully performing reducing sugar assays in which the native oligosaccharides, themselves being reducing sugars, can produce a high blank absorbance value thereby decreasing the sensitivity of the assay.
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP12/GF11
CAS NO.: 137405-40-4  Formula: C72H122O61
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP11/GF10
CAS NO.: 137405-36-8  Formula: C66H112O56
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP10/GF9
CAS NO.: 118150-64-4  Formula: C60H102O51
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP9 / GF8
CAS NO.: 143625-74-5  Formula: C54H92O46
Product name: 1F-Fructofuranosylnystose
CAS NO.: 59432-60-9  Formula: C30H52O26
Product name: Fructoheptasaccharide
CAS NO.: 62512-20-3  Formula: C42H72O36
Product name: 1,1,1,1-Kestohexose
CAS NO.: 62512-19-0  Formula: C36H62O31
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP8 / GF7
CAS NO.: 62512-21-4  Formula: C48H82O41
Product name: 1-Kestose
CAS NO.: 470-69-9  Formula: C18H32O16
Product name: Fructo-oligosaccharide DP13
CAS NO.: 137405-37-9  Formula: C78H132O66
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