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Inhibitory effects of daidzein on intestinal motility in normal and high contractile states

Journal name:Pharmaceutical Biology
Literature No.:
Literature Url: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/13880209.2012.698285#.Vh3DN9_vPIU
Date publication:15 Sep 2012

Dapeng Chen, Yongjian Xiong, Zeyao Tang,Bochao Lv & Yuan Lin


Aims: The present study was to characterize the effects of daidzein on the contractility of isolated jejunal smooth muscle and its underlying mechanisms.

Methods: Ex vivo assay was selected as the major method to determine the effects of daidzein on the contractility of isolated jejunal smooth muscle fragment (JSMF).

Results: Daidzein (5–160 μmol/L) inhibited the contractility of JSMF in normal contractile state and in a dose-dependent manner. Daidzein also inhibited the contractility of JSMF induced by ACh, histamine, erythromycin and high Ca2+, respectively, and decreased charcoal propulsion in the small intestine in vivo. The inhibitory effects of daidzein were partially blocked by phentolamine or propranolol and were abolished in the presence of varapamil or at Ca2+-free assay condition. However, the inhibitory 

Daidzein was bought from Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Ltd., Chengdu, China.

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