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Home > Literature List > Gastrointestinal absorption, antiproliferative and anti-inflamatory effect of the major carotenoid of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on cancer cells.

Gastrointestinal absorption, antiproliferative and anti-inflamatory effect of the major carotenoid of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on cancer cells.

Journal name:Food & Function
Literature No.:
Literature Url: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2017/fo/c7fo00091j#!divAbstract
Date publication:07 Mar 2017
The gastrointestinal absorption of the main carotenoids present in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, crocetin, crocin-1 and crocin-2, was assayed through transport studies on MKN-28 and caco-2 cell lines. Overall, crocetin was the compound that presented the highest gastrointestinal transport efficiency. Additionally, and since after absorption crocins are metabolized into crocetin, the antiproliferative capacity of crocetin was assayed in MKN-28 (stomach), MCF-7 (breast) and caco-2 (colon) cancer cell lines. The results point to an antiproliferative effect of crocetin on the three cell lines tested. Anti-inflammatory properties were also assayed. Overall, crocetin showed a potential involvement in the downregulation of IL-1β and TNF-α but not IL-6. Altogether, these results suggest that these compounds can have an important role against cancer proliferation, highlighting the importance of Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis as a nutraceutical food source.

Page 7. 2. Materials & methods 82 2.1. Reagents 83 Crocetin (>90 %), Crocin-1 (>98 %) and Crocin-2 (>98 %), isolated from Gardenia 84 Jasminoides Ellis, were obtained from Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Ltd., China. 85 86 2.2. Cell Culture Conditions 87 ...
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