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Home > Literature List > A practical protocol for comprehensive evaluation of sulfur-fumigation of Gastrodia Rhizoma using metabolome and health risk assessment analysis

A practical protocol for comprehensive evaluation of sulfur-fumigation of Gastrodia Rhizoma using metabolome and health risk assessment analysis

Journal name:Journal of Hazardous Materials
Literature No.:
Literature Url: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389417305022
Date publication:4 July 2017
Gastrodia Rhizoma is one of the most heavily sulfur-fumigated edible and medical herbs in the marketplace. We developed a practical protocol using an ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight-MSE (UPLC/QTOF-MSE)-based metabolome and health risk assessment model to identify characteristic sulfur-fumigated markers, dissect chemical transformation mechanisms, and control the quality of sulfur-fumigated Gastrodia Rhizoma. Two sulfur-containing p-hydroxybenzyl products, one sulfur-containing disaccharide, one glycolipid, and two phospholipids were selected and identified as markers based on multivariate statistical analysis. In particular, the sulfur-containing markers p-hydroxybenzyl hydrogen sulfite and trace p-mercaptobenzyl hydrogen sulfate were positively correlated with the active major phenolics. Moreover, a practical index the time of the minimum content was useful for evaluating the extent of the sulfur-fumigation under different weight ratios of the sulfur to herbal materials (1:20, 1:40, and 1:80). Ultimately, the 1:40 ratio within 1 h of sulfur-fumigation was considered as safe and efficient for herb quality preservation under the maximum residue limit of 750 mg/kg. This study shows that the practical protocol-based discriminated markers and practical limits can be applied to quality assurance of sulfur-fumigation and non-fumigation Gastrodia Rhizoma and other edible or medical materials.
... Parishins (
PA, batch number: 15082302), B (PB, batch number: 15082013),  C (PC,batch number: 15082012), and E (PE, batch number: 15081606) were purchased from Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Co., Ltd (Chengdu, China). ...